Thursday, September 10, 2009

a little surprise....

i am a nanny. 
and as little perks to my job, i get to wake up 5 minutes before i have to LEAVE, 
slap on some clothes, and go to work.
then later on, 
i can come back home with the children, 
put on a movie 
while i take a shower 
and they destroy my house.
that is exactly what happened today. 
except when i opened the shower curtain this afternoon,
this is what i saw.
i knew it was almost her nap time.
but i didn't think she was that tired! 

and i know what you're thinking...
i am a horrible nanny for letting her lie on the nasty bathroom floor 
while i laugh and take pictures!

well- i JUST mopped those floors (although it might not look like it)
and i had to capture this rare and precious moment!
(but mostly it was really really funny)

but yeah, you're right.
i probably am a horrible nanny.


Quinn & Ogden Nash said...

On the contrary Beth! I have seen you many times with those kiddies and you are a GREAT nanny! They are going to see how totally rad you were and miss you next month!

elizabeth lawlor said...

HAHAHAHAHA I LOVE IT!!!!!:) made me laugh ALOT! haha i love you beth...

Katie said...

I do worse things to my own kids, so I'd hire you.

ps: When I lived in those apartments I remember SCRUBBING the floor just trying to make it look a little shinier. {sigh}

Darcy & Nathan Parrish said...

Hhahah that is awesome. I'm sure her mom would love that! I remember doing things like that when I was a nanny.

As Told By Molly said...

You are a great nanny and house keeper, even on the days that you don't shower or scrub floors.