it's the middle of the night and i can't sleep. so, i thought i'd do something productive, (if you count blogging as productive?). my last post was what i thought about while oakley cried. this post would most accurately be named;
what i think about after oak goes to sleep fabulously without a peep and while chase snores louder than something really loud that i can't think of right now.
just a forewarning, this is more of a rant.
some things that human beings do in general bother me so badly.
let me name a few;
- when people leave trash in my car.
- when people say "how can you know you don't like it if you've never tried it?!" because trust me! i know i will not like cheese from a squirt can.
- when people refer to pregnant woman as "about to POP".
- when people say they have a migraine when they just have a bad headache.
- when people smoke near entrances forcing me to walk through their cancer cloud.
ok- it might be more than a few things that bother me. but let me tell you something that has been particularly bothering me lately.
- when people use "well" and "good" interchangeably and incorrect.
i try to not be "that guy/girl" who always corrects people's grammar. so, i just bite my tongue and listen and try not to think about it. but i am holding in all this grammatical error-anger and i can't stand it anymore! maybe that's a bit dramatic.
here's a quick lesson about when to properly use "well" and "good" in a sentence.
i'll just summarize the lesson i would teach 4th graders.
WELL is an adverb.
it is used when using a verb. (action word)
"you sing well." the verb is sing. the adverb is well.
GOOD is an adjective.
it is used to describe a noun. (person, place, or thing)
"that steak is good" the noun steak. the adjective is good.
also there are exceptions like “the pizza looks good,” because the verb involved (looks) is a linking verb, connecting the subject (pizza) with information about it.
does that make sense?
here's a summary to my summary.
WELL= referring to health ("i feel well, thank you")
or when someone/thing does something exceptional.
GOOD= everything else. "i'm good." "good job." "what a good dog." (unless you say "what a well behaved dog" because in that case, to behave is a verb and well is the adverb)
get it?
anyway- it just bothers me.