Monday, June 14, 2010

I Can't Sleep Anymore

I don't know what it is, but i just can't sleep anymore. 
I used to zonk out and good luck trying to wake me up! 
But, lately I just lay in bed begging my body to sleep. 
So, I decided to make the time I just lay there a little more efficient.

I started this project of a bath mat a while ago, but broke two needles in the process so I gave it a rest. 
Then one restless night I got up and finished it :). 
It's not what I was imagined it to look like, but whatev! 
All it is, is two old towels sewn together and then a cute fabric sewn around the edges. The end.
I took this picture before it was actually completed with my phone (hence the bad quality). 
So there's still some pins poking out here and there. 
 I am just too lazy to go downstairs to get the camera and take a real picture.
 So use your imagination a little bit and pretend the sides are tucked under and sewn! 
This is our guest bathroom and is still not finished. 
Now that I have time in the day, I am slowly piecing our house together. 
(Something I should have done months ago.) 
I still have the entire upstairs to paint and get pretty. : /

This was actually a momentous occasion; marking the first time I ever sewed my finger. 
Hopefully the last time as well.
It was painful. 
And bloody. 
I suggest not to try it. 


Katie said...

That is SO awesome! Love the idea but sorry about the finger.

When I got pregnant with Asher I had the same problem of not being able to sleep. Dowswell told me I could take tylenol pm so I did. Every night. I had to do it with this pregnancy too cause my restless leg was so bad. So go to sams club and get a giant bottle of tylenol pm and you'll sleep like a baby again.

As Told By Molly said...

I would go to sleep without problems, but when I had to wake up at 2am to go pee (every.single.night.) I couldn't go back to sleep. I took melatonin and it worked like a charm. I like the Tylenal pm idea better though, a little pain relief from my back would have been nice.

CUTE! CUTE! Cute rug! Love it.

Chels said...

your craftiness never ceases to amaze! I wish I had your brain!

I can't sleep either since this child invaded my body and if I do by chance fall asleep I am woken up by the snoring man in my bed! The Tylenol PM sounds like a good idea i will have to try.

and I think I will head your suggestion and not sew my finger!

Quinn & Ogden Nash said...

Beth it turned out great!

I had the same problem about the same time of pregnancy both times. I don't remember what I did other then just stay up till I finally got tired.

You know whats going to really be fun? When you have the baby and you are finally tired enough to go to sleep at a regular hour but you can't cause you have a baby that gets days and night all mixed up.

Welcome to Motherhood!

Darcy & Nathan Parrish said...

Drinking a bottle of wine usually puts me right to sleep.

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh it looks great!!