Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter Weekend Extravaganza

On Thursday Chase and I went to our second ultrasound. 
Did you know there is a HUMAN BEING in my belly?
I wouldn't beleive it either if i hadnt seen it for myself. 
Not just ANY human being....
a boy!
So were we.
But mostly so excited.  

For the last couple years we've made a tradition out of going to conference and spending the weekend with good friends. This year made no exceptions. 
So Thursday directly after the appointment, we headed up to Utah with 
Thanks to the snow and ice and all that fun stuff, we didn't make it there till 3am!
Here is our weekend in pictures. 

We looked high and low for a sled but resorted to trash bags. 
(which was Elizabeth's fabulous idea!)

Freezing. I have 3 coats on. 

Just your average BYU students playing a good old fashion game of Quidditch. 
With brooms and all. 

Best Brazilian meat on a sword ever. 

Brazil Fortaleza Mission Reunion

Drink of choice. 

Easter morning. 

General Conference April 2010


As Told By Molly said...

I did NOT know there is a "huan being" growing in your tummy! (Haha B, I just had to say it.)

Baby shower for Poka Dot Waters is in the works now that we know what the color scheme is!!!!

You are gorgeous. Chase is one lucky guy, I tell ya.

Katie said...

First, I need to know why everyone is calling your baby Poka Dot.

Second, you make one hot pregnant lady!

Third, sledding down on trash bags!? You are too funny.

Fourth, share some names you are thinking. Totally understand if you are keeping them to yourself.

Millers said...

My husband went to Brazil, too! The reunion looks awesome.

You are such a cute preggers!:)

elizabeth lawlor said...

GREAT job on the blogging...going to steal some pictures so i can put them on my blog!sure was a BLAST!!!

Bethany said...

There Molly, i fixed it!

And Katie, the first time i got an ultra sound, i said he looked like a polka dot cause it was just a little circle!
I guess it just stuck?

Quinn & Ogden Nash said...

Bethy you look so cute! It looks like you had a great time. I love the name Polka Dot maybe it will stick and be his nickname for life, lucky him!!

-true said...

I love this picture!!

Lance and Kimberlee said...

Love it! We are now officially blogger friends, Bethany.

Unknown said...

That's so exciting!!