Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Once In A Lifetime Ride

(I wrote this post a while ago, but with recent events (aka the birth of Oakley) it got postponed! Enjoy.)

Chase's dad has been going on a long distance motorcycle ride for the past 10 years.
It's called the 
"Once in a Lifetime Ride"

This year the stars aligned and Chase got to go with his dad 
and the rest of the men that attend.

Chase is in the middle/back.

Everyday was planned out to the smallest details. They knew exactly where they needed to be and at what time. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Hotel Reservations were all pre-planned.

With me not working, Chase gone all day and night, and being 9 months pregnant made for some pretty long days and nights for me. I kept myself busy crafting and sewing, and playing with sisters.
It's not like i could text him while he was riding. 
So i was left to just wonder if he was dead or alive and wait for him to call me. 
And trying NOT to go into lonely stress-induced labor.

Pregnancy hormones are not my friend.

They made a giant circle to the tippy-top of Montana  (even crossing over to Canada for a few hours) and then back down to the bottom. 
Look how beautiful Montana is. I think i will live there someday.

These group shot pictures are so funny to me for some reason.

 One of the guys crashed and had to be flown home. 
So the trip was extended to get an extra, crashed bike home. 
I wasn't very happy to say the least.
i am selfish.

This picture is pretty hilarious of Chase, but it's one of the only ones he ever took of himself!

When he got home he didn't smell too good, but i was still very happy.

I never knew how dependent I am on Chase until I had to live an entire week without him! 
I am such a baby.  But what can i say? 
I love my husband.


Chels said...

What a chance of a lifetime! That picture of chase with his helmet squishing his cheeks together made me laugh out loud! You are a very nice wife to let him go spend that time with his Dad and I'm sure Chase loves you more for it!

I know what you mean about not working, not having kids and your Husband is gone for weeks! At least you know chase was having fun, half the time mitch is gone I know he's miserable and sleeping in a mud hole!

Quinn & Ogden Nash said...

Oh goodness that picture of Chase is HILARIOUS!! Does that jacket have shoulder pads?

I love Montana, even though I have never been there) but I would love to live there someday too. That is where my MIL grew up and she has such fun stories about living there.

Katie said...

For some reason I thought I commented here but I guess I didn't. This is so awesome. I loved all the pictures. I want to go to Montana so badly too!