Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Life This Week

So, Chase went on his mission to Brazil where he lived and spoke Portuguese for 2 years. He needed some extra credit hours this semester and a chance to boost his GPA so we decided taking a portuguese class would be a good way to do that. Easy A. Except the only class that is offered is Elementary Portuguese. Like learn the ABC's and 123's. So, he decided to go and ask the instructor if he could just take the final and take that grade as his final grade.  Yesterday was his first day of class and before he left I asked if he was just going to go early, talk to the teacher and come home (since it is a 3 hour class!).  This is how our conversation went;

Chase: I think i will talk to her after everyone leaves.
Me: Why don't you just talk to her when you get there and save some time?
Chase: I don't want anyone to hear me say I am fluent. They will give me that look that people give.
Me: (confused.) What look???
Chase: You know that look like "Oh my gosh!" Like when someone poops their pants in class.

It went on from there. I was confused because he was so serious, and kept trying to explain "the look". I honestly have never had that experience of having a classmate poop their pants so I'm not sure if this is a common thing and I am just the exception. I remember a kid peed his pants in 1st grade in Mrs. Dowell's class. But i suppose my reaction would be "Oh my gosh" if that happened in college.

Funny thing is that the teacher went around asking how much everyone knew, and when they got to Chase, he said he was fluent in front of the entire class. I asked if everyone looked at him like he just pooed his pants. He said yes.

Yesterday I forgot to add something in the birth story. As we were on our way to the hospital I was having contractions every few minutes in the car. Chase asked "Does it hurt to laugh?" I didn't know where he was going with that, but it did hurt to laugh so I said "Yes."  He then proceeded to say, "Then don't look over there to the right."
When I then of course DID look over to the right,  I saw something similar to this walking down the road.

Cut off collared shirt, cut off jean booty-shorts and the most magnificent mullet you have seen in your life.  
Following him was a little boy that looked almost identical to (what I can only assume him to be) his dad.
I laughed. It hurt. I punched Chase on the shoulder. Then I laughed some more and told him I love him.

We live in A.J. 

On another note.
I am a mom.
I take a million pictures of the exact same pose. But every picture looks different to me.
I beg Oakley for some sleep when he wakes up to eat every 3 hours.
When he finally is finished eating and falls asleep, I stay awake for another 2 hours just watching his chest move up and down with every breath.
I have already got peed on 5 times and pooped on once while changing his diaper.
I am learning to do things one handed because I always want to hold him close in the other.
I finish changing a diaper, and as I snap his onesie on, I hear him poo again.
He rarely cries, but when he does, I can't help but smile a little cause it's so cute.
Most of his clothes are too big even though they are size newborn. All his pants go to his armpits and he look like an old man.
I forget to eat meals because I just stare at how amazing he is all day.
I ponder the idea that I made him, and Heavenly Father trusts me with this gift.
I am so blessed with such amazing friends and family and especially my wonder-woman of a mom, who have helped us out these past 11 days.
I love my amazing husband and adorable miracle of a son.
I love my little family.


Katie said...

LOVED this post! So sweet! I got all kinds of advice about changing diapers when I had Asher. The best was put a wash cloth over him while changing him. I never got peed on.

I would tell people, our address is AJ but TECHNICALLY we're in Mesa. That's what a trip to walmart was like. Mullets and fat people.

So is the teacher going to let him pass out of the class?

Bethany said...

We live in Mesa too but are only a couple miles from the Apache Junction border. And are even in the Apache Junction stake. Wal-Mart is the best here. Every time we go shppping, chase takes a stealthy picture and wants to send it on to peopleofwalmart.com.

He didn't get out of the class completely, but he did get out of the lab which is an hour a week. So hes stuck going to class. But we came up with a plan. I am going to do all his homework and learn some Portuguese. He will just double check it before he turns it in.

Katie said...

That is a genius plan! Teach little Oakley while you are at it and he can grow up to be one smart kid!

Chels said...

Oh man every day that goes by I am more and more jealous that you got your baby peeing on you and mine is still peeing inside me. But I guess you paid your dues and so must I. Why can't we humans have a shorter gestation period like rabbits which are 31 days or even dogs that are 63 days? At least we aren't giraffes, they are pregnant for 15 months! yikes.

Anyway I hope i am as good a mommy as you are.

And teach your baby Portuguese! I'm fixin' on learning my young'n some Formal Hick!

As Told By Molly said...

I think it was sweet of Chase to ask first if it hurt to laugh. He was trying to save you some pain at least. But who wouldn't laugh at Mr. and Mini Joe Dirt??

Loved this post and I love you.

Quinn & Ogden Nash said...

I loved all the reasons you had to be a mom. I was reading this and thinking how sweet babies are as mine are totally bugging me and not letting me read this post in peace. Cherish all the silence while you have it!

Unknown said...

Awe so sweet! Happy Mommyhood :)