Monday, August 23, 2010

Baby Mine

Oakley Ren Waters

Friday, August 13th 2010
Three Twenty-Nine P.M.
Six Pounds, Fifteen Ounces
Twenty Inches Long

The Story:
At 7 o'clock I was at my amazing baby shower thrown by my magnificent sisters and mother-in-law.  Earlier that day I was telling Chase that I kept picturing me going into labor at the shower. So when I started having contractions at the shower, it was almost comical. I mentioned a couple times that these contractions felt different than the other braxton hicks I usually have. But I just enjoyed myself and tried to ignore them. Chase picked me up and loaded the car full of gifts. We went home and i told Chase about the contractions. I couldn't hardly stand so we left the car as it was and Chase started timing the contractions with his handy-dandy Contraction Timer App on his phone. (That app really came in handy after he started to fall asleep timing.) At 5 minutes apart I called my mom and she said she would meet us down at the hospital. He wasn't due for another two weeks so we didn't have a hospital bag packed or anything ready! Chase quickly packed some things and I kept telling him to stop because i am sure the hospital will just send us home. He packed a full bag anyway, and later i was glad he did. 

We left the 4runner full of gifts from the shower in the garage and took the scion to the hospital. We finally got to the hospital at 11:30pm, but they were really backed up so we waited in the triage for a couple hours still counting. I was still sure they were going to tell me they weren't 
'real' contractions and send us home. So when the nurse came in and said "Yep! You're staying here!" i was blown away! I was going to have a baby.

My sweet mom wasn't allowed in that part so she slept in the car until we were moved to the labor and delivery room. I was so happy to have her there with me. I don't know what I would have done without her by my side helping me through every little thing. I love her so much.

I was in labor all through the night  and into the next day. I was so determined to not get an epidural and trust in my body that I could do it alone. Chase and my mom counted through the contractions with me and massaged my back. I soaked in the "Japanese Spa", which was AMAZING! I wish i could have delivered in there. (I think i will have a water birth with my second!!!!) The more tired i got, the harder the contractions got. After I hit 36 hours of being awake and 15 hours of being in labor, my body was so stressed and tired that there was no progression. After I reluctantly got an epidural, I gave my body the sleep it needed and progress came fast. A couple hours later the nurse came in and I started pushing. 

Almost exactly an hour of pushing later, Oakley was born at 3:29 PM, and was perfect. Chase cut the umbilical cord like a man and then a few minutes later nearly passed out until the nurse caught him and gave him some crackers and juice and had him sit down. 

As they laid him on my chest I couldn't even help but cry. It was my son. And what  was just as awesome to see, was my amazing husband holding our son. I don't think I have ever felt so much happiness rushing through my body in my entire life. 

Throughout my pregnancy I often wondered how ANYONE could be insane enough to go through 9 months of  being constantly sick, plagued without sleep and never being able to get remotely comfortable and then do it AGAIN for a second child. Now I know why. 

Now, here are some fun pictures to look at!

Chase's first time changing a diaper EVER!


Esther Grubbs said...

So so so so precious! I loooove that child of yours. Thanks for sharing him with me!

Molly said...

Steven and I like your kid. =)

Katie said...

Oh he's such a beautiful boy! I'm so happy for you too. So what was that doctor thing Darcy mentioned on FB?

Chels said...

I am officially counting down the days until I get to hold little Oakie Dokie myself!

oh man, its still crazy thinking that you are old enough to have a baby! Our mommy is the best! I hope my baby waits until mom gets to VA after christmas. I don't think I could do it w/o her.

p.s. I went and bought drawing stuff.......

Katie said...

Ha! I just noticed that your pregnancy count down says 4 days to go. You are SO LUCKY to have gone early.

Quinn & Ogden Nash said...

Beth you (and Chase) did such a great job! It's hard when you have had a birth plan and it doesn't work out but have no fear the second time is usually easier.

i love ya!!

As Told By Molly said...

My baby sister is a mommy! Good job B.

Cami said...

Your two are beautiful! congrats friend!

Nate + Cait said...

Oh my gosh beth! He is so stinking cute! Even cuter than I thought he was from the text message and he was cute from the text picture! I cant wait to see him and cannot believe that I haven't yet! Im seriously going insane I want to see him so bad! He is beautiful and I love you and your new family

ROBINSON said...

your story was so heartfelt... how precious.