ON FRIDAY as i was sitting on the couch feeding Sanvi a bottle, i thought to myself 'This is the longest day of my life. Then i looked at the clock and i still had 8 hours left of work...
Ok, it wasn't really that dramatic- but I'm serious... Friday was soooo long. And to make it even longer, right after work, I was scheduled to cater! (Which was SUPER fun because it was with Katie R. and it was easy peasy).
So, I FINALLY get to go home and Chase is there waiting for me. I sit down and he says
"Let's go somewhere."
I'm thinking movies, out to eat.. blah blah. So I say alright!
Then he says ...
"Let's just pack a bag, go to the airport and find the cheapest flight."
I wasn't completely against this idea. I needed some excitement! So after looking up cheap flights + hotels and the whole shabang, we decided to drive somewhere instead. And that somewhere is somewhere Chase grew up and somewhere I've always wanted to go!
So there you have it! We packed our bags, booked a hotel, got directions and were out of there by midnight!
We drove alllllllllllllll night.
I fell asleep for a few hours and woke up to this...
awww.. i loved Colorado already.
We finally got there at 10 am.

(we probably would have gotten there soooner if we hadn't stopped to sleep in New Mexico on the side of the road for an hour for the sake of not swerving off the road and dying in a horrific accident and no one would have known where we were.)
New Mexico... Truly the Land Of Enchantment.
After getting to Colorado, we stopped at a bathroom to freshen up and change our clothes, then went straight to the GOLD MINE TOUR! Which was Awesome! (and freezing!)
Before the tour started we panned for gold. Chase was so excited he found one!
I gave up and just filled my gold bag full of sand.
We are all suited up and ready to go!
(keep in mind neither of us had ANY sleep)
We rode in big yellow carts that rode on the tracks down the mine. I wish i had a picture.
You could seriously feel the degrees dropping.
Our guide used some REALLY loud machinery to demonstrate how they do it!
Our guide, Frank. He was super friendly to me,
but didn't want to take the picture with Chase hahahahah
After the mine, we went down to the old rundown mill to see what they did with the gold after they mined it. We didn't take the tour, we just walked around and looked at the awesome old buildings. I couldn't help thinking this place would have been AWESOME to take wedding photos at!
So, we tried to take our own.
Failed attempt.
Those are bees.
People actually lived in them!
Everywhere was so beautiful... we couldn't help ourselves.
This one's for Chels. We saw it downtown in a corner.
I think you can officially say, i am obsessed with CO. I would move there in a minute!
I think i liked this trip so much because nothing at all was planned!
I think we'll start doing that more often!
Oh my heck! That looks awesome! You can't do things like that here in Mesa without DYING of heat stroke (and I'm not being dramatic!)
But you should start thinking of moving there. Cut the ties!!!!
I want to go to Colorado too! I am trying to get my work to pay for me to fly out there for "work".
BETHANY eeeffffiiinnn RICHARDS(waters)!!! how are you my love?!?! im so glad to know that you have a blog! now i can stalk you! mmuuhahah. i have been doing good lovin the married life. im still here in mesa. how are you? congrats on gettin hitched! your so beautiful! where are you living now? hows the married life?
Not you, too...! Wahhh!!!!!!!
Hey, why is New Mexico the Land of Enchantment? I don't really think. "New Mexico. Yeah that place is enchanting!"
Oh Bethy to be young, newly married and NO KIDS!!! I am sooo jealous of you guys.
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