So, after work yesterday Chasey Face and I went to run some of our long list of errands.
First on the list was to get all our textbooks for the upcoming semester
that actually started 3 days ago.
So, after spending our life's savings on books we will probably hardly use
(most of them used of course...),
we were hungry.
We both love us some good Chipotle- so Chipotle it was!
I love to eat. AND I love to play games.
so why not do both at once!
(i know-smart.)
Chase and I play this game called
"guess what person in Chipotle drives what car parked outside Chipotle"
The name is part instructions to the game.
Then we sit and watch as each person finishes up eating and
walks to their automobile of choice.
It takes quite the skill and you would be surprised who-drives-what most the time.
Regardless of what you may think- I usually win. :)
We also might throw in another game if we are feeling crazy called
"guess the occupations of the people eating inside chipotle"
Again with the two in one name/game instructions.
I usually win this one too.
Even though we never really know who wins
because we don't exactly follow anyone to their job.
(I want to, but Chase said its probably not a good idea.)
But i just have a gut feeling- I'm usually always right.
Plus- Chase always thinks everyone lives at home with their mom.
That's his answer 99% of the time. I'm serious.
What games do YOU play when you eat!?
Please do share!